card combinations card meanings video tutorials Jan 03, 2023


The Mouse is a challenging card, although not as challenging as the Whip, Scythe, or Clouds or as sharp and tricky as the Fox or Snake. But it does bring a few challenges and suggests things like speed bumps, little things going wrong here and there, and the little annoying issues in our lives.

When it comes to people, the Mouse suggests issues of trust and someone who is not trustworthy and transparent. They are not deceptive like the Fox and Snake, but it brings doubts, issues, and the feeling that something is just not right.

A key element with the Mouse is if it is left unchecked, it can grow into something big. The Mouse advises us to take care of issues when they are small before they get out of control. The Anchor helps us get these issues under control, because the Anchor is good at restraining and setting boundaries.

Also, in the context of the Anchor, the Mouse can bring the idea of wobbliness and hesitation. Of course, the Anchor is the opposite of hesitation and has to do with security, strength, a strong foundation, and being anchored. So when we see the Mouse and Anchor in this order, it helps us make a decision, make up our minds, and encourages us not to wobble or hesitate. In other words, it brings the Mouse under control.

Even though the Anchor is a strong card, it is not an all-around positive card like the Sun, Flowers, or Key, and it can be challenged. So when the Mouse comes after the Anchor, it can mean we wobble, have doubts, or cause us to question what we thought was a strong foundation.

With either order, the Anchor’s negative elements of stubbornness and inflexibility can come through because of a challenging card like the Mouse next to it, especially in the context of a person or relationship. We might feel there are restrictions, that this person is heavy, burdensome, and can be annoying.

However, in general, I think the Anchor can help overcome any challenges associated with the Mouse and suggests we can find our ground and set healthy boundaries for anyone who is not respecting them.

The Mouse can be a bit of a taker and is associated with people who gnaw and take, and do not give back. However, the Anchor means we need to restrict these energies from continuing in our life. This is the supportive aspect of the Anchor with the Mouse.


The House brings up the idea of home and family. In a practical sense, the Mouse and House can suggest things around the home are getting old and worn out, breaking down, and needing repair. With the Anchor, it is important to stop these issues and rectify them. 

Another way we can look at the House is in terms of relationships. It brings up the home, family, relatives, and close friends. But the Mouse suggests issues of trust, tension, and people not on the same page, and the Anchor can help rectify this. 

In relationships, the Anchor asks us to be honest, upfront, and take a stand. If there are issues or doubts, it is important to bring them up to deal with them, and avoid letting them hang in the air.

The Mouse in the middle highlights the issues and more so when it is on the right because the right can be associated with the outcome. But I think this will be the suggestion of the cards regardless of their order. 

The Anchor and House indicate setting boundaries and securing things. From a physical point of view, the Mouse on the right of the House can suggest thieves or problems around the house that cause the psychic or physical energy to dissipate, and it is important to protect against these issues.

If we have the Mouse at the outset and the Anchor in the middle, the Mouse cannot overcome the strength of the Anchor and House, especially when they are next to each other, because they are strong and rooted, solid and rigid, and the Mouse is not in comparison.

With this triplet, we have a good situation of protection, setting healthy boundaries with draining people or energy vampires.

In the context of work, the House is associated with our close team at our job, and the Mouse brings issues of trust and tension between members of our team.

It is important that others respect our boundaries, and it is equally important for us to do our part, operate within our own boundaries, avoid gossip, overcome stress, and guard against people who try to involve us in things we shouldn’t be in.


There is a similarity between the House and the Fish because they both represent assets. However, the House is about home and property, and the Fish is generally about money and wealth.

So as we would guard against intrusions with the House, this triplet indicates we need to set a budget and limit our expenditures to guard against waste. With the Mouse in the line, it is not a good time to lend or borrow, and if we do, we must ensure we can get it back or return it. 

In the Anchor, Fish, and Mouse triplet, the closeness of the Fish and Mouse can indicate waste and financial challenges. However, the Anchor brings the idea of strength, support, and security, and it suggests we can protect ourselves against losses or even withstand some losses. This especially comes through with the Anchor at the outset and the Mouse at the end. 

With the Anchor, Mouse, and Fish, I do not see much of a difference. The Fish and Mouse are really about wastefulness, wasting resources and money, and with the Anchor, it is important to guard against that and limit it.



The Anchor can sometimes suggest sticking with a situation, and if we had the Anchor with either the Road or the Tree, the idea would be to stick with it and stay on the current path. 

However, the Coffin is an indication to end it. A challenging card like the Mouse tells us that the situation is not going anywhere and is a waste of time to pursue. So it is important to put an end to it and let it go at this point.

With the Mouse in the middle or on the right, we may bear some losses and need to accept they might not be recovered. We need to let go, accept the end, and stop trying to make it work. Also, a strong card like the Anchor might be a sign to actively end it, so the combination can be calling us to be proactive and end these unhelpful situations.

If we had the Mouse, Anchor, and Coffin, the nuance here is we need to stick it out until the end.

The Mouse brings the little annoying challenges, the Anchor is the withstanding strength, and the Coffin on the right indicates staying the course until the end and putting up with the challenges until it comes to a head.

The Mouse, Coffin, and Anchor triplet suggests something similar. The Coffin is clearly about bringing something to a head and letting it go because that is where it is heading anyway.


The Mountain is like the House and Anchor in the sense they are strong solid cards, quite heavy, and not easily moved. It is about borders and boundaries, even more so than the House, and when combined with the Anchor, it is important to set some limits.

The Anchor and Mountain is a special combination that suggests a foothold abroad, such as having a location or connection abroad. Typically the Mountain is associated with a different country, but it can be a different place from where we are now.

The Mouse in the middle indicates this foothold is on shaky ground, and it creates some suspicions, doubts, or issues around it, and this would be more so if it was on the right side. So it is important to make sure we understand what is happening, put a stop to it, and put up strong boundaries. 

The Mountain in relationships is associated with distance and coldness, and often a card of isolation and solitude. So if this triplet appears in a longer line that represents a person or relationship, it is important to set limits and start distancing ourselves. We are not shunning them or ending it in a sharp way like with the Scythe, but the Mountain is about stepping back and holding off on the relationship.

The Anchor and Mountain are both strong, solid, and unmoving cards and can bring the idea of stubbornness or rigidity in a relationship, especially with a nearby challenging card like the Mouse.

Although the Anchor can be positive and help secure things, confront matters, or stand up to them, the Mountain’s association with distance is not great for relationships. It is a cold card that suggests separation in some way or other. So this triplet’s overall energy is also cold. The cards are pretty harsh and don’t help a relationship.

With any order of this triplet, boundaries and putting down limits are suggested.


The Scythe in this case is an ending, similar to the Coffin, but it tells us to release the limitations. The Anchor, especially with the Mouse, can represent something like a ball and chain, which applies to all the previous combinations, and the Scythe is about releasing the chains. It is nice to see it on the right side because it is supportive and delivers a liberating outcome to the reading.

You would think that this is a neutral line, but it can be positive as we release the limitations and gain freedom.

Suppose we have the Scythe, Mouse, and Anchor. The Scythe and Mouse represents a loss, and they can mean that something is snatched away from us because of the Scythe’s swift energy. However, with the Anchor on the right, it is possible that we either recover it or can prevent it.

When it comes to relationships, the Anchor and Mouse can be like the Snake and Whip, or the Fox and Whip when someone tries to pounce at us or hurt us. But the Anchor is strong and solid and can help us withstand the force and prevent any issues or losses from happening. 

Looking at the Mouse, Scythe, and Anchor, there needs to be swift action, and we should not shy away from taking a stand. We should be proactive and come at it with a lot of strength and focus to remove the issues brought by the Mouse.

In health, the Scythe can indicate surgery to remove something problematic represented by the Mouse, such as a growth or something that should not be there. The Anchor on the right can point to recovery and strength, and suggests this may be the right thing to do. 

As a note, health correspondences are interpretable, since we can interpret Lenormand’s cards for any context. But I must caution against giving out this type of advice. These are ethical questions which we invite you to learn more about in our Lenormand Reader’s Certification Program.


The Mouse indicates problems with the person represented by the Woman. Although the Anchor between them suggests doubts and issues can be overcome and a strong relationship can ensue.

With the Anchor, Mouse, and Woman, her character is more questionable because the Mouse and Woman are close to each other. She could be a bit of a taker, user, complainer, or energy vampire, which are typical characteristics associated with the Mouse. We need to set healthy boundaries with her.

So when we have the Woman and Mouse adjacent to each other with the Anchor at either end, this suggests we need to set boundaries with this person. This would be the case with any Lenormand card that represents a person, whether it is the Man, Woman, Dog, or even the pip cards if we are reading them as people.

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